Planet Scheme

Friday, March 7, 2025

Andy Wingo

whippet lab notebook: untagged mallocs, bis

Earlier this week I took an inventory of how Guile uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser (BDW) garbage collector, with the goal of making sure that I had replacements for all uses lined up in Whippet. I categorized the uses into seven broad categories, and I was mostly satisfied that I have replacements for all except the last: I didn’t know what to do with untagged allocations: those that contain arbitrary data, possibly full of pointers to other objects, and which don’t have a header that we can use to inspect on their type.

But now I do! Today’s note is about how we can support untagged allocations of a few different kinds in Whippet’s mostly-marking collector.

inside and outside

Why bother supporting untagged allocations at all? Well, if I had my way, I wouldn’t; I would just slog through Guile and fix all uses to be tagged. There are only a finite number of use sites and I could get to them all in a month or so.

The problem comes for uses of scm_gc_malloc from outside libguile itself, in C extensions and embedding programs. These users are loathe to adapt to any kind of change, and garbage-collection-related changes are the worst. So, somehow, we need to support these users if we are not to break the Guile community.

on intent

The problem with scm_gc_malloc, though, is that it is missing an expression of intent, notably as regards tagging. You can use it to allocate an object that has a tag and thus can be traced precisely, or you can use it to allocate, well, anything else. I think we will have to add an API for the tagged case and assume that anything that goes through scm_gc_malloc is requesting an untagged, conservatively-scanned block of memory. Similarly for scm_gc_malloc_pointerless: you could be allocating a tagged object that happens to not contain pointers, or you could be allocating an untagged array of whatever. A new API is needed there too for pointerless untagged allocations.

on data

Recall that the mostly-marking collector can be built in a number of different ways: it can support conservative and/or precise roots, it can trace the heap precisely or conservatively, it can be generational or not, and the collector can use multiple threads during pauses or not. Consider a basic configuration with precise roots. You can make tagged pointerless allocations just fine: the trace function for that tag is just trivial. You would like to extend the collector with the ability to make untagged pointerless allocations, for raw data. How to do this?

Consider first that when the collector goes to trace an object, it can’t use bits inside the object to discriminate between the tagged and untagged cases. Fortunately though the main space of the mostly-marking collector has one metadata byte for each 16 bytes of payload. Of those 8 bits, 3 are used for the mark (five different states, allowing for future concurrent tracing), two for the precise field-logging write barrier, one to indicate whether the object is pinned or not, and one to indicate the end of the object, so that we can determine object bounds just by scanning the metadata byte array. That leaves 1 bit, and we can use it to indicate untagged pointerless allocations. Hooray!

However there is a wrinkle: when Whippet decides the it should evacuate an object, it tracks the evacuation state in the object itself; the embedder has to provide an implementation of a little state machine, allowing the collector to detect whether an object is forwarded or not, to claim an object for forwarding, to commit a forwarding pointer, and so on. We can’t do that for raw data, because all bit states belong to the object, not the collector or the embedder. So, we have to set the “pinned” bit on the object, indicating that these objects can’t move.

We could in theory manage the forwarding state in the metadata byte, but we don’t have the bits to do that currently; maybe some day. For now, untagged pointerless allocations are pinned.

on slop

You might also want to support untagged allocations that contain pointers to other GC-managed objects. In this case you would want these untagged allocations to be scanned conservatively. We can do this, but if we do, it will pin all objects.

Thing is, conservative stack roots is a kind of a sweet spot in language run-time design. You get to avoid constraining your compiler, you avoid a class of bugs related to rooting, but you can still support compaction of the heap.

How is this, you ask? Well, consider that you can move any object for which we can precisely enumerate the incoming references. This is trivially the case for precise roots and precise tracing. For conservative roots, we don’t know whether a given edge is really an object reference or not, so we have to conservatively avoid moving those objects. But once you are done tracing conservative edges, any live object that hasn’t yet been traced is fair game for evacuation, because none of its predecessors have yet been visited.

But once you add conservatively-traced objects back into the mix, you don’t know when you are done tracing conservative edges; you could always discover another conservatively-traced object later in the trace, so you have to pin everything.

The good news, though, is that we have gained an easier migration path. I can now shove Whippet into Guile and get it running even before I have removed untagged allocations. Once I have done so, I will be able to allow for compaction / evacuation; things only get better from here.

Also as a side benefit, the mostly-marking collector’s heap-conservative configurations are now faster, because we have metadata attached to objects which allows tracing to skip known-pointerless objects. This regains an optimization that BDW has long had via its GC_malloc_atomic, used in Guile since time out of mind.


With support for untagged allocations, I think I am finally ready to start getting Whippet into Guile itself. Happy hacking, and see you on the other side!

by Andy Wingo at Friday, March 7, 2025

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Joe Marshall

Collate / index-list

I was talking to Arthur Gleckler last night and he mentioned that he had been making good use of a function he called index-list. This function takes two selector functions and a list of objects. The first selector extracts a key from each object, and the second selector extracts a value. A table is returned that maps the keys to a list of all the values that were associated with that key.

I had to laugh. I had written the same function a few month back. I called it collate.

Here is Arthur’s version in Scheme:

(define (index-list elements table choose-data choose-key)
  "Given a hash table ‘table’, walk a list of ‘elements’ E, using
‘choose-key’ to extract the key K from each E and ‘choose-data’ to
extract a list of data D from each E.  Store each K in ‘table’ along
with a list of all the elements of all the D for that K."
  (do-list (e elements)
     (choose-key e)
     (lambda (previous) (append (choose-data e) previous))

And here is my version in Common Lisp:

(defun collate (list &key (key #’car) (test #’eql)
                               (merger (merge-adjoin :test #’eql)) (default nil))
  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test test)))
    (dolist (element list table)
      (let ((key (funcall key element)))
        (setf (gethash key table)
              (funcall merger (gethash key table default) element))))))

So how do they differ?

  • Arthur’s version takes the hash table as a parameter. This allows the caller to control the hash table’s properties. My version creates a hash table using the test parameter, which defaults to eql.
  • Arthur’s version uses choose-key to extract the key from each element. My version uses key, which is a keyword parameter defaulting to car. My choice was driven by the convention of Common Lisp sequence functions to take a :key parameter.
  • Arthur’s version uses a default value of ’() for the entries in the hash table. My version uses the :default keyword argument that defaults to ’().
  • Arthur’s version uses choose-data to extract the datum in each element. My version uses the :merger keyword argument to specify how to merge the entire element into the table. If you only want a subfield of the element, you can compose a selector function with a merger function.
  • Arthur’s version uses append to collect the data associated with each element. My version uses a merger function to merge the element into the entry in the hash table. The default merger is merge-adjoin, which uses adjoin to add the element to the list of elements associated with the key. merge-adjoin is paramterized by a test function that defaults to eql. If the test is true, the new data is not merged, so the result of (merge-adjoin #’eql) is a list with no duplicates.
  • If you instead specify a default of 0 and a merger of (lambda (existing new) (+ existing 1)) you get a histogram.
  • Another merger I make use of is merge-unique, which ensures that all copies of the data being merged are the same, raising a warning if they are not.
  • Finally, I occasionally make use of a higher-order merger called merge-list that takes a list of mergers and applies them elementwise to two lists to be merged. This allows you to create a singleton aggregate merged element where the subfields are merged using different strategies.

Like Arthur, I found this to be a very useful function. I was auditing a data set obtained from GitHub. It came in as a flat list of records of users. Each record was a list of GitHub org, GitHub ID, and SAML/SSO login. Many of our users inadvertently have multiple GitHub IDs associated with their accounts. I used my collate function to create a table that mapped SAML/SSO login to a list of all the GitHub IDs associated with that login, and the list of orgs where that mapping applies.

by Joe Marshall ( at Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Andy Wingo

whippet lab notebook: on untagged mallocs

Salutations, populations. Today’s note is more of a work-in-progress than usual; I have been finally starting to look at getting Whippet into Guile, and there are some open questions.


I started by taking a look at how Guile uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser collector‘s API, to make sure I had all my bases covered for an eventual switch to something that was not BDW. I think I have a good overview now, and have divided the parts of BDW-GC used by Guile into seven categories.

implicit uses

Firstly there are the ways in which Guile’s run-time and compiler depend on BDW-GC’s behavior, without actually using BDW-GC’s API. By this I mean principally that we assume that any reference to a GC-managed object from any thread’s stack will keep that object alive. The same goes for references originating in global variables, or static data segments more generally. Additionally, we rely on GC objects not to move: references to GC-managed objects in registers or stacks are valid across a GC boundary, even if those references are outside the GC-traced graph: all objects are pinned.

Some of these “uses” are internal to Guile’s implementation itself, and thus amenable to being changed, albeit with some effort. However some escape into the wild via Guile’s API, or, as in this case, as implicit behaviors; these are hard to change or evolve, which is why I am putting my hopes on Whippet’s mostly-marking collector, which allows for conservative roots.

defensive uses

Then there are the uses of BDW-GC’s API, not to accomplish a task, but to protect the mutator from the collector: GC_call_with_alloc_lock, explicitly enabling or disabling GC, calls to sigmask that take BDW-GC’s use of POSIX signals into account, and so on. BDW-GC can stop any thread at any time, between any two instructions; for most users is anodyne, but if ever you use weak references, things start to get really gnarly.

Of course a new collector would have its own constraints, but switching to cooperative instead of pre-emptive safepoints would be a welcome relief from this mess. On the other hand, we will require client code to explicitly mark their threads as inactive during calls in more cases, to ensure that all threads can promptly reach safepoints at all times. Swings and roundabouts?

precise tracing

Did you know that the Boehm collector allows for precise tracing? It does! It’s slow and truly gnarly, but when you need precision, precise tracing nice to have. (This is the GC_new_kind interface.) Guile uses it to mark Scheme stacks, allowing it to avoid treating unboxed locals as roots. When it loads compiled files, Guile also adds some sliced of the mapped files to the root set. These interfaces will need to change a bit in a switch to Whippet but are ultimately internal, so that’s fine.

What is not fine is that Guile allows C users to hook into precise tracing, notably via scm_smob_set_mark. This is not only the wrong interface, not allowing for copying collection, but these functions are just truly gnarly. I don’t know know what to do with them yet; are our external users ready to forgo this interface entirely? We have been working on them over time, but I am not sure.


Weak references, weak maps of various kinds: the implementation of these in terms of BDW’s API is incredibly gnarly and ultimately unsatisfying. We will be able to replace all of these with ephemerons and tables of ephemerons, which are natively supported by Whippet. The same goes with finalizers.

The same goes for constructs built on top of finalizers, such as guardians; we’ll get to reimplement these on top of nice Whippet-supplied primitives. Whippet allows for resuscitation of finalized objects, so all is good here.


There is a long list of miscellanea: the interfaces to explicitly trigger GC, to get statistics, to control the number of marker threads, to initialize the GC; these will change, but all uses are internal, making it not a terribly big deal.

I should mention one API concern, which is that BDW’s state is all implicit. For example, when you go to allocate, you don’t pass the API a handle which you have obtained for your thread, and which might hold some thread-local freelists; BDW will instead load thread-local variables in its API. That’s not as efficient as it could be and Whippet goes the explicit route, so there is some additional plumbing to do.

Finally I should mention the true miscellaneous BDW-GC function: GC_free. Guile exposes it via an API, scm_gc_free. It was already vestigial and we should just remove it, as it has no sensible semantics or implementation.


That brings me to what I wanted to write about today, but am going to have to finish tomorrow: the actual allocation routines. BDW-GC provides two, essentially: GC_malloc and GC_malloc_atomic. The difference is that “atomic” allocations don’t refer to other GC-managed objects, and as such are well-suited to raw data. Otherwise you can think of atomic allocations as a pure optimization, given that BDW-GC mostly traces conservatively anyway.

From the perspective of a user of BDW-GC looking to switch away, there are two broad categories of allocations, tagged and untagged.

Tagged objects have attached metadata bits allowing their type to be inspected by the user later on. This is the happy path! We’ll be able to write a gc_trace_object function that takes any object, does a switch on, say, some bits in the first word, dispatching to type-specific tracing code. As long as the object is sufficiently initialized by the time the next safepoint comes around, we’re good, and given cooperative safepoints, the compiler should be able to ensure this invariant.

Then there are untagged allocations. Generally speaking, these are of two kinds: temporary and auxiliary. An example of a temporary allocation would be growable storage used by a C run-time routine, perhaps as an unbounded-sized alternative to alloca. Guile uses these a fair amount, as they compose well with non-local control flow as occurring for example in exception handling.

An auxiliary allocation on the other hand might be a data structure only referred to by the internals of a tagged object, but which itself never escapes to Scheme, so you never need to inquire about its type; it’s convenient to have the lifetimes of these values managed by the GC, and when desired to have the GC automatically trace their contents. Some of these should just be folded into the allocations of the tagged objects themselves, to avoid pointer-chasing. Others are harder to change, notably for mutable objects. And the trouble is that for external users of scm_gc_malloc, I fear that we won’t be able to migrate them over, as we don’t know whether they are making tagged mallocs or not.

what is to be done?

One conventional way to handle untagged allocations is to manage to fit your data into other tagged data structures; V8 does this in many places with instances of FixedArray, for example, and Guile should do more of this. Otherwise, you make new tagged data types. In either case, all auxiliary data should be tagged.

I think there may be an alternative, which would be just to support the equivalent of untagged GC_malloc and GC_malloc_atomic; but for that, I am out of time today, so type at y’all tomorrow. Happy hacking!

by Andy Wingo at Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Racket Blog

Racket v8.16

posted by Stephen De Gabrielle

We are pleased to announce Racket v8.16 is now available from

As of this release:

Thank you

The following people contributed to this release:

a11ce, Alex Knauth, Alexander Shopov, Alexis King, Andrew Mauer-Oats, Anthony Carrico, Bert De Ketelaere, Bob Burger, Bogdan Popa, D. Ben Knoble, David Van Horn, Gustavo Massaccesi, halfminami, Hao Zhang, Jacqueline Firth, Jinser Kafka, JJ, John Clements, Jörgen Brandt, Kraskaska, lafirest, Laurent Orseau, lukejianu, Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen, Matthew Flatt, Matthias Felleisen, mehbark, Mike Sperber, Noah Ma, Onorio Catenacci, Oscar Waddell, Pavel Panchekha, payneca, Robby Findler, Sam Phillips, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Shu-Hung You, Sorawee Porncharoenwase, Stephen De Gabrielle, Wing Hei Chan, Yi Cao, and ZhangHao.

Racket is a community developed open source project and we welcome new contributors. See racket/ to learn how you can be a part of this amazing project.

Feedback Welcome

Questions and discussion welcome at the Racket community Discourse or Discord

Please share

If you can - please help get the word out to users and platform specific repo packagers

Racket - the Language-Oriented Programming Language - version 8.16 is now available from

See for the release announcement and highlights.

by John Clements, Stephen De Gabrielle at Sunday, March 2, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

LIPS Scheme Blog

Internals: Finite-State Machine Lexer

The first version of LIPS Scheme had regex based tokenizer. It was using a single regex to split the input string into tokens. In this article, I will show the internals of the new Lexer in LIPS Scheme.

see the rest of the article

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Monday, February 10, 2025

Andy Wingo

whippet at fosdem

Hey all, the video of my FOSDEM talk on Whippet is up:

Slides here, if that’s your thing.

I ended the talk with some puzzling results around generational collection, which prompted yesterday’s post. I don’t have a firm answer yet. Or rather, perhaps for the splay benchmark, it is to be expected that a generational GC is not great; but there are other benchmarks that also show suboptimal throughput in generational configurations. Surely it is some tuning issue; I’ll be looking into it.

Happy hacking!

by Andy Wingo at Monday, February 10, 2025

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Scheme Requests for Implementation

SRFI 256: Minimal extension to SRFI 9/R7RS small record type definitions for inheritance

SRFI 256 is now in withdrawn status.

A SRFI 9-style define-record-type is specified which allows subtyping while preserving encapsulation, in that the field structure of supertypes remains an implementation detail with which subtypes need not concern themselves.

by Daphne Preston-Kendal at Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

GNU Guix

Guix User and Contributor Survey 2024: The Results (part 3)

Today we're looking at the results from the Contributor section of the Guix User and Contributor Survey (2024). The goal was to understand how people contribute to Guix and their overall development experience. A great development experience is important because a Free Software project's sustainability depends on happy contributors to continue the work!

See Part 1 for insights about Guix adoption, and Part 2 for users overall experience. With over 900 participants there's lots of interesting insights!

Contributor community

The survey defined someone as a Contributor if they sent patches of any form. That includes changes to code, but also other improvements such as documentation and translations. Some Guix contributors have commit access to the Guix repository, but it's a much more extensive group than those with commit rights.

Of the survey's 943 full responses, 297 participants classified themselves as current contributors and 58 as previous contributors, so 355 participants were shown this section.

The first question was (Q22), How many patches do you estimate you've contributed to Guix in the last year?

Table 21: Guix contributors patch estimates
Number of patchesCountPercentage
1 — 5 patches19061%
6 — 20 patches6019%
21 — 100 patches3612%
100+ patches279%
None, but I've contributed in the past42N/A

Note that the percentages in this table, and throughout the posts, are rounded up to make them easier to refer to.

The percentage is the percentage of contributors that sent patches in the last year. That means the 42 participants who were previous contributors have been excluded.

Figure 13 shows this visually:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix contributor patch count bar chart
Figure 13: Guix contributor estimated patch count

As we can see many contributors send a few patches (61%), perhaps updating a package that they personally care about. At the other end of the scale, there are a few contributors who send a phenomenal number of patches.

Active contributors

It's interesting to investigate the size of Guix's contributor community. While running the survey I did some separate research to find out the total number of contributors. I defined an Active contributor as someone who had sent a patch in the last two years, which was a total of 454 people. I deduplicated by names, but as this is a count by email address there may be some double counting.

This research also showed the actual number of patches that were sent by contributors:

Table 22: Active contributors by patch count
Number of patchesCountPercentage of Contributors
1 — 5 patches18741%
6 — 20 patches10222%
21 — 100 patches9120%
100+ patches7416%

Figure 14 shows this:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix active contributor patch count bar chart
Figure 14: Active Guix contributors by patch count

Together this give us an interesting picture of the contributor community:

  • There's a good community of active contributors to Guix: 300 in the survey data, and 454 from the direct research.
  • A significant percentage of contributors send one, or a few patches. This reflects that packaging in Guix can be easy to get started with.
  • The direct research shows an even distribution of contributors across the different levels of contribution. This demonstrates that there are some contributors who have been working on Guix for a long-time, as well as newer people joining the team. That's great news for the sustainability of the project!
  • There are also some very committed contributors who have created a lot of patches and been contributing to the project for many years. In fact, the top 10 contributors have all contributed over 700 patches each!

Types of contribution

The survey also asked contributors (Q23), How do you participate in the development of Guix?

Table 23: Types of contribution
Type of contributionCountPercentage
Develop new code (patches services, modules, etc)31259%
Review patches6512%
Triage, handle and test bugs6512%
Write documentation387%
Quality Assurance (QA) and testing234%
Organise the project (e.g. mailing lists, infrastructure etc)163%
Localise and translate122%
Graphical design and User Experience (UX)20.4%

Figure 15 shows this as a pie chart (upping my game!):

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix types of contribution pie chart
Figure 15: Guix contribution types

Of course, the same person can contribute in multiple areas: as there were 531 responses to this question, from 355 participants, we can see that's happening.

Complex projects like Guix need a variety of contributions, not just code. Guix's web site needs visual designers who have great taste, and certainly a better sense of colour than mine! We need documentation writers to provide the variety of articles and how-tos that we've seen users asking for in the comments. The list goes on!

Unsurprisingly, Guix is code heavy with 60% of contributors focusing in this area, but it's great to see that there are people contributing across the project. Perhaps there's a role you can play? ... yes, you reading this post!

Paid vs unpaid contribution

FOSS projects exist on a continuum of paid and unpaid contribution. Many projects are wholly built by volunteers. Equally, there are many large and complex projects where the reality is that they're built by paid developers — after all, everyone needs to eat!

To explore this area the survey then asked (Q24), Are you paid to contribute to Guix?

The results show:

Table 24: Contributor compensation
Type of compensationCountPercentage
I'm an unpaid volunteer32894%
I'm partially paid to work on Guix (e.g. part of my employment or a small grant)195%
I'm full-time paid to work on Guix10.3%
No answer7N/A

We can see this as Figure 16 :

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix developer compensation pie chart
Figure 16: Guix developer compensation

Some thoughts:

  • Guix is a volunteer driven project.
  • The best way to work on Guix professionally is to find a way to make it part of your employment.
  • For everyone involved in the project the fact that the majority of contributors are doing it in their spare time has to be factored into everything we do, and how we treat each other.

Previous contributors

Ensuring contributors continue to be excited and active in the project is important for it's health. Ultimately, fewer developers means less can be done. In volunteer projects there's always natural churn as contributor's lives change. But, fixing any issues that discourages contributors is important for maintaining a healthy project.

Question 25 was targeted at the 59 participants who identified themselves as Previous Contributors. It asked, You previously contributed to Guix, but stopped, why did you stop?

The detailed results are:

Table 25: Previous contributor analysis
CategoryCountPercentage of Previous Contributors
External circumstances (e.g. other priorities, not enough time, etc)2835%
Response to contributions was slow and/or reviews arduous1215%
The contribution process (e.g. email and patch flow)1114%
Developing in Guix/Guile was too difficult (e.g. REPL/developer tooling)68%
Guix speed and performance34%
Project co-ordination, decision making and governance23%
Lack of appreciation, acknowledgement and/or loneliness23%
Negative interactions with other contributors (i.e. conflict)23%
Burnt out from contributing to Guix23%
Learning Guix internals was too complex (e.g. poor documentation)11%
Social pressure of doing reviews and/or turning down contributions11%

Figure 17 shows this graphically:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix previous contributors reasons for stopping pie chart
Figure 17: Reasons for ceasing to contribute to Guix

There were 80 answers from the 59 participants so some participants chose more than one reason.

  • As we can see a change in external circumstances was the biggest reason and to be expected.
  • The next reason was Response to contributions was slow and/or reviews arduous, as we'll see this repeatedly showed-up as the biggest issue.
  • Next was The contribution process (e.g. email and patch flow) which also appears in many comments. Judging by the comments the email and patch flow may be a gateway factor that puts-off potential contributors from starting. There's no way for the survey to determine this as it only covers people that started contributing and then stopped, but the comments are interesting.

Future contributions

Q26 asked contributors to grade their likelihood of contributing further, this is essentially a satisfaction score.

The question was, If you currently contribute patches to Guix, how likely are you to do so in the future?

Table 26: Future contributions scoring
Definitely not72%
Probably not3410%
Moderately likely8023%

Figure 18 shows this graphically:

2024 Guix user survey: Contributor satisfaction pie chart
Figure 18: Contributor satisfaction

Out of the audience of current and previous contributors, 355 in total:

  • The 35% of contributors who are 'Certain' they'll contribute is a great sign.
  • The 31% that are 'Likely' shows that there's a good pool of people who could be encouraged to continue to contribute.
  • We had 58 participants who categoried themselves as Previous Contributors and 41 answered this question with definitely or probably not, that's about 12%. That leaves the 80 (23%) who are loosely positive.

Improving contribution

The survey then explored areas of friction for contributors. Anything that reduces friction should increase overall satisfaction for existing contributors.

The question (Q27) was, What would help you contribute more to the project?

Table 27: Contribution improvements
Timely reviews and actions taken on contributions20320%
Better read-eval-print loop (REPL) and debugging12412%
Better performance and tuning (e.g. faster guix pull)10210%
Better documentation on Guix's internals (e.g. Guix modules)10010%
Guidance and mentoring from more experienced contributors10010%
Addition of a pull request workflow like GitHub/Gitlab909%
Improved documentation on the contribution process778%
Nothing, the limitations to contributing are external to the project657%
More acknowledgement of contributions404%
More collaborative interactions (e.g. sprints)414%

Figure 19 bar chart visualises this:

2024 Guix user survey: Contributor improvements bar chart
Figure 19: Improvements for contributors

The 355 contributors selected 933 options for this question, so many of them selected multiple aspects that would help them to contribute more to the project.

Conclusions we can draw are:

  • Ensuring there's Timely reviews and actions taken on contributions is the biggest concern for contributors, and as we saw also causes contributors to become demoralised and cease working on the project.
  • The concern over both Debugging and error messages has been a consistent concern from contributors.
  • Interestingly, documentation of Guix's internals is a priority in this list, but in other questions it doesn't appear as a high priority.

Comments on improving contribution

Jumping ahead, the last question of the contributor section (Q30) was a comment box. It asked, Is there anything else that you would do to improve contributing to Guix?

The full list of comments from Q27, and Q30 are available and worth reading (or at least scanning!).

Looking across all of them I've created some common themes - picking a couple of example comments to avoid repetition:

  • Compensation for developers: there were comments from developers who want to work on Guix professionally, or people offering to donate.
    • "[Part of a long comment] ... For me personally it really boils down to the review process. Some patches just hang there for many months without *any* reaction. That is quite discouraging to be honest. So if there would be fund raising, I think it should (for a large part) go to paying someone (maybe even multiple people?) to do code reviews and merge patches. And in general do the "gardening job" on the issue tracker."
    • "I would be happy to contribute to some kind of fund, maybe by a monthly subscription, which would award stipends for experienced guix contributors to work on patch review."
  • Complexity of contribution: where the overall set of steps required to contribute were too complex.
    • "For occasional contributions, the threshold is higher than for most projects, in part due to less common tools used in the project (bugtracker for example)"
    • "[long comment where the substance is] I'd rather spend my limited time contributing to a 100% free software project than reading 20 webpages on how to use all the CLI tooling."
  • Issues with email-based contribution: concerns about the steps to create a patch, email it and so forth.
    • "Difficult; I am not used to the email workflow and since I'm not contributing often it is close to rediscovering everything again which is annoying. There isn't a specific thing that could solve that I guess. apologies if this doesn't say much"
    • "The GNU development process with mailing lists and email patches is the most difficult aspect."
  • Issues with speed and capacity of patch reviews: this is the highest priority amongst contributors, so there were many comments about patches not being reviewed, or reviews taking a long time.
    • "I really dislike that 70% of my patches don't get reviewed at all, how simple or trivial they may be. I do really test them and dogfood so contributing seems like a waste of time as someone without commit-access."
    • "I already checked "timely reviews/actions", but I want to emphasize how demoralizing my contribution experience was. I was excited about how easy it was to make, test, and submit a patch; I would love to help improve the packaging situation for things that I use. But it's been about a year now since I submitted some patches and have received exactly 0 communication regarding what I submitted. No reviews, no comments, no merge, nothing. Really took the wind out of my sails"
  • Automate patch testing and acceptance: suggestions to speed up the review pipeline by automating.
    • "A bias for action. If no one shows interest in a patch, and it's constrained, it should just be landed."
    • "Minimizing the required work needed to keep packages up to date. Most of the best developers in Guix are commiters and all the time they have to spend reviewing package update patches etc. is away from improving Guix's core. They should be able to focus on things like shepherd, bootloader configuration, guix-daemon in guile, distributed substitutes or a more modular system configuration (e.g. letting nginx know of certbot certificates without having to manually pass (ssl-certificate "/etc/...")).*"
  • Adding more committers: comments that more contributors would increase project velocity, and general concerns about how difficult it is to become a committer.
    • "Keep manual up to date, I think we need more committers doing reviews and give more love to darker corners."
    • "All the best. The project might need more hands to review incoming patches."
  • Addition of a pull requests workflow: specific comments requesting the addition of a Forge experience.
    • "I would use Forgejo (either an instance or at codeberg) to simplify contributions and issue handling. In my humble and personal opinion the forge workflow makes it much easier to get an overview of what is going on and to interact with others on issues and PRs"
    • "I think opening a pull request approach would really modernize the way of working and help welcome more people. We could still easily support patches too."
  • Automating package builds and tests: comments relating to automation of building packages as part of the contribution flow.
    • "We really need to improve the CICD situation. I see we have so many system tests that could catch issues. Let's make sure each patch has run at least against a couple of those system tests before it is being merged, or even before a reviewer has even looked at. Today a colleague of mine, who is just getting into Guix because I told him had issues with the u-boot-tools package not being built on a substitute server and being broken. Yeah, that can happen, but it happens all the time and it is such a bad experience for new and existing users."
  • Bugtracker improvements: comments about improving the bug tracker.
    • "A formal method to count the number of users affected by an issue so that developers know what to prioritize. For example, ubuntu's launchpad has a "bug heat" metric which counts the number of users that report they are affected by the bug."
  • Debugging and error reporting: challenges debugging issues due to difficult error messages in Guix, or underlying Guile weaknesses.
    • "The development workflow with Guile. I've recently switched to arei/ares, but I'm still a total newbie on how to effectively develop and navigate. I've used quite some Common Lisp, and I have my own channel with a handful packages, but it takes a long time to develop without the necessary knowledge of both Guile setup and Guix setup."
    • "I just want to reiterate that the debugging process can be painful sometimes. Sometimes guile gives error messages that can be bewildering. As an example, I spent awhile debugging the error message "no value specified for service of type 'myservice'". The problem was that I omitted the default-value field in my service-type, but the error message could have included the default-value field."
  • Runtime performance and resource usage: where it makes the experience of building and testing Guix slow or unusable.
    • "Foremost faster guix evals. I forget what I was doing while it runs."
    • "Building guix takes too long time for packagers. It is not clear why everything needs to be compiled when only contributing a package. Why does the documentation need to be built when adding a package?"
  • Practical guides, how-tos and examples: requests for direct instructions or examples, as compared to reference documentation.
    • "Improve the documentation on how to contribute. It is currently very hard to follow, some sections are simply in the wrong order, others presuppose the reader wants to evaluate several different alternatives instead of pointing to one simple way of doing things. And steps that though simple are unusual and will seem complicated to most people don't get explained in sufficient detail and examples."
  • FSF association as a constraint: concerns about Free Software and GNU as an organisation constraining practical user freedom.
    • "*Drop GNU and drop the hardline stance against discussing any proprietary software. It doesn't have to be supported directly, but at least have a link to Nonguix or something. Or have a feature flag like Nixpkgs. Who cares if the distro is certified by an organization that is pretty much irrelevant, actually giving people agency over their tech is what should be the number one goal."
    • "Guix is one of the GNU projects with the most potential and relevance, but unfortunately it seems association with the FSF is a contributing factor to limited adoption."
  • Not enough FSF: comments that the Guix project was not sufficiently supportive of FSF and/or Richard Stallman.
    • "collaborate more with other GNU projects"
  • Commit messages: concerns that the commit message format is repetitious or unneccessary.
    • "Encourage or enforce the usage of commit messages that detail why a change is done (and not what is done - which is already visible from the git diff)."
  • Importers and language ecosystem: comments about possible improvements to deal with dynamic language ecosystems (e.g. Javascript and Rust).
    • "Improved build systems and importers. Generally improving management of high-noise ecosystems (Maven, Rust, NPM, …)"
    • "Packaging Golang or Rust apps can be difficult and time-consuming because Guix requires all (recursive) dependencies to be packaged in Guix. I often gave up and just re-packaged a precompiled binary from upstream or another distro. It would be much easier if Guix relied on existing language-specific dependency management (e.g., use Cargo.lock files to fix all dependencies) - not perfect from Guix pov, but pragmatic and much more usable."
    • "More flexible package definitions but also more strict filtering of available packages. For example, allow some packages to use the internet in the build path (so you may easily install pip packages like TensorFlow, Flax), but by default do not allow installation of NonFree licenses and network enabled packages. We allow package transformations (--with-commit) which need network access anyway and doesn't verify hashes, I think this can be allowed. The end goal of a package should be to be reproducible from source, but the current goal can be usability, widespread adoption, reliability. This way we can start to use Guix in more scientific experiments and super computers, then the new users can help contribute further."
  • Project communications methods: requests for communications within the project to use modern methods (e.g. Matrix, Discourse, Github).
    • "Having a Discourse instance, so that people can ask questions and others and chime in and the best answers get upvotes. IRC and mailing lists are suboptimal. My success rate of getting ANY reply to my question have been consistently less than 50% regardless of the time of the day, because in IRC it scrolls down and questions go out of focus. Also in IRC the threads of discussion is getting mixed. Keep the IRC, but provide a Discourse instance. I personally even pay for paart of the cost."
  • Repo organisation: ideas to widen the set of contributors by having a community repo (e.g. Arch Linux like).
    • "I would like more packages under Guix, but I am not convinced that adding them all to the Guix channel is the way. I believe a large number of Guix packages should be moved to guix-free or similar channel. The packages in Guix itself should be the minimal ones that come installed in Guix system. The guix-free channel should be part of default-channels."
    • "I feel like channels are a cumbersome alternative to community packages. I previously tried to package a lesser known programming language compiler for Guix but never got replies to my patches to contribute the package. Perhaps there could be a core and community channel with stronger/weaker standards."
  • Project culture: concerns about the project being inward looking, not inclusive and with too much gatekeeping. Most comments in this area were very passionate, and in some cases a bit angry.
    • "TODO lists and direction is very helpful. Lists of "good first task" or "very important — need help with" etc, things to motivate others to contribute in. Also helpful if people ACTUALLY become part of the distro and it's not all gate-kept by idiots with attitude. I don't want to invest 1000 man hours to prove myself worthy of maintanership of a package!"

Organisational and social improvements

It's common in FOSS projects to focus on the technical issues, but Free Software is a social endeavour where organisational and social aspects are just as important. Q28 focused on the social and organisational parts of contribution by asking, What organisational and social areas would you prioritise to improve Guix?

This was a ranked question where participants had to prioritise their top 3. The rationale for asking it in this way was to achieve prioritisation.

It's useful to look at the results in two ways, first the table where participants set their highest priority (Rank 1):

Table 28: Rank 1 — Organisational and social improvements
Category CountPercentage
Improve the speed and capacity of the contribution process21363%
Project decision making and co-ordination3611%
Fund raising227%
Request-for-comments (RFC) process for project-wide decision making175%
Regular releases (i.e. release management)196%
In-person collaboration and sprints82%
Promotion and advocacy237%

Out of the 355 participants in this section, 338 answered this question and marked their highest priority.

Figure 20 shows it as a pie chart:

2024 Guix user survey: Organisational and social improvements (Rank 1) bar chart
Figure 20: Organisational and social improvements to GNU Guix (Rank 1)

This second table shows how each category was prioritied across all positions:

Table 29: All Ranks - Organisational and social improvements
Category Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3Overall priority
Project decison making and co-ordination2131
Promotion and advocacy3312
Fund raising4523
Request-for-comments (RFC) process for project-wide decision making6244
Improve the speed and capacity of the contribution process1665
Regular releases (i.e. release management)5456
In-person collaboration and sprints7777

Figure 21 shows this as a stacked bar chart. Each of the categories is the position for a rank (priority), so the smallest overall priority is the most important:

2024 Guix user survey: Organisational and social improvements (All ranks) stacked bar chart
Figure 21: Organisational and social improvements to GNU Guix (All Ranks)

Looking at these together:

  • It's clear that the highest priority (table 28) is to Improve the speed and capacity of the contribution process, as 63% of participants selected it and nothing else was close to it.
  • I found it quite confusing that it didn't also score highly in the second and third rank questions, which negatively impacts the overall score. This seems to be caused by the question having a significant drop-off in answers: 338 participants set their 'Rank 1', but only 264 set a 'Rank 2' and then 180 set a 'Rank 3'. The conclusion I draw is that for many contributors the sole important organisational improvement is to improve the speed and capacity of the contribution process.
  • Nonetheless, overall Project decision making and co-ordination was the most important social improvement across all ranks, and it was the second most important one for 'Rank 1' — so that's pretty consistent. Other than improving the contribution process this was the next most important item on contributors minds.
  • Promotion and advocacy also seems to be important, though there are very few comments about it in the survey overall. The next most important across all ranks was Fund raising, which does get some comments.

Technical improvements

The partner question was Q29 which asked, What technical areas would you prioritise to improve Guix overall?

This was also a ranked question where participants had to prioritise their top 3.

Table 30: Rank 1 — Technical improvements
Category CountPercentage
Debugging and error reporting6318%
Making the latest version of packages available (package freshness)5014%
Automate patch testing and acceptance4212%
Runtime performance (speed and memory use)3610%
Package reliability (e.g. installs and works)309%
Contribution workflow (e.g. Pull Requests)268%
More packages (more is better!)237%
Improving Guix's modules206%
Project infrastructure (e.g. continuous integration)206%
Guix System services123%
Guix Home services103%
Stable releases (e.g. regular tested releases)82%
Focused packages (fewer is better!)51%

There were 345 answers for the highest priority, 327 for the second rank and 285 for the third rank — so not as significant a drop-off as for the social question. Figure 22 shows this as a bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: Technical improvements (Rank 1) bar chart
Figure 22: Technical improvements to GNU Guix (Rank 1)

As before I've converted them to priorities in each rank. The smallest overall score is the highest priority:

Table 29: All Ranks — Organisational and social improvements
Category Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3Overall priority
Automate patch testing and acceptance3211
Runtime performance (speed and memory use)4132
Debugging and error reporting1473
Project infrastructure (e.g. continuous integration)9324
Contribution workflow (e.g. Pull Requests)6555
Making the latest version of packages avalable (package freshness)2866
Package reliability (e.g. installs and works)5747
More packages (more is better!)76108
Guix Home services111089
Improving Guix's modules812910
Guix System services1091111
Stable releases (e.g. regular tested releases)12111212
Focused packages (fewer is better!)13131313

Figure 23 shows this as a stacked bar chart.

2024 Guix user survey: Technical improvements (All ranks) stacked bar chart
Figure 23: Technical improvements to GNU Guix (All Ranks)

Some things that are interesting from this question:

  • For the technical improvements there isn't a single over-riding 'Rank 1' priority (table 30). The first choice, Debugging and error reporting, does come up consistently in comments as a problem for packagers, and across all three ranks it's the third priority.
  • Across all ranks Debugging and error reporting along with Runtime performance (speed and memory) are high priorities. These are probably quite connected as there's lots of comments in the survey about error reporting and slow evaluations making development time-consuming and difficult.
  • It's possible to think of the second and third priorities for 'Rank 1' (table 30) as being connected, since the velocity needed for Making the latest version of packages available would be helped by Automate patch testing and acceptance. We can see from the second table that through all priorities this is the area that contributors care about the most.
  • We asked the same question of all Users (Q21) earlier in the survey. This time the question was for Contributors only and there were a few specific contribution-focused options. It's interesting to see the contrast between contributors and users priorities:
    • For both the contributor (P2) and users (P1) improving the runtime performance was a high priority, so it's pretty consistent.
    • For users making Guix easier to learn was the second highest priority, there wasn't really an equivalent option in the contributor question.
    • Users identified Making the latest versions of packages available (package freshness) as very important and it's also a high priority in the first rank for contributors. However, overall it was middle of the pack for them — with both Project infrastructure (e.g. continuous integration) and Contribution workflow (e.g. Pull Requests) coming higher.

Key insights recap

That completes our review of the contributor section! Here are the key insights I draw:

  1. The size of the active contributor community (~450) is really exciting. Many developers send a few patches (~60%), while at the other end of the scale there are some who have sent hundreds.
  2. Retaining and developing contributors is important for the project's sustainability. About 66% of active developers are likely to contribute again. That's great, how can we encourage that to happen?
  3. The key reasons contributors stopped (aside from life changes) was a slow response to contributions and the contribution process (e.g email and patch flow).
  4. Improving the capacity and speed of reviews was also the over-riding concern for active contributors by a significant margin. High priority suggestions were automating patch testing and acceptance, along with improving the projects infrastructure (e.g. continuous integration).
  5. Technical improvements to the developer experience were improving debugging and error reporting, runtime performance and also providing a more commonly used contribution process (e.g. Pull Requests).
  6. Finally, the project is 95% a volunteer one, so we should bear in mind that everyone's contributing to Guix on their personal time! While it's great to see all this fantastic feedback and it's very useful, Guix is a collective of volunteers with the constraints that brings.

Getting the Data

We've really squeezed the juice from the lemon over these three posts — but maybe you'd like to dig into the data and do your own analysis? If so head over to the Guix Survey repository where you'll find all the data available to create your own plots!

by Steve George at Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025

Scheme Requests for Implementation

SRFI 260: Generated Symbols

SRFI 260 is now in draft status.

This SRFI defines the procedure generate-symbol. Each time it is invoked, the procedure returns a new symbol whose name cannot be guessed. The returned symbol is a standard symbol for all purposes; it obeys write/read invariance and it is equal to another symbol if and only if their names are spelt the same.

by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen at Monday, January 27, 2025

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Scheme Requests for Implementation

SRFI 259: Tagged procedures with type safety

SRFI 259 is now in draft status.

Tagged procedures are procedures with boxes attached, which can be used to create applicable records and other abstractions. This SRFI proposes a variant with the notion of a tagging protocol, analogous to a record type definition, for ensuring encapsulation and security for tagged procedures.

by Daphne Preston-Kendal at Sunday, January 26, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025

Scheme Requests for Implementation

SRFI 248: Minimal delimited continuations

SRFI 248 is now in final status.

Scheme's exception system is extended so that exception handlers gain access to the delimited continuation representing the rest of the computation of the call of the thunk guarded by the handler. Algebraic effect handlers can be directly expressed in this extended exception system. The system directly implements the shift0/reset0 delimited control operators. It is well known that other delimited control operators like prompt0/control0 or reset/shift are expressible in shift0/reset0 (and vice versa).

by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen at Friday, January 24, 2025

Spritely Goblins v0.15.0: Goblins in the browser!

Goblins version 0.15.0 release art: a Spritely goblin flies on the Hoot owl's back, high in the sky!

We are thrilled to announce a long-awaited goal: Goblins in the browser!!

Hoot can now be used to compile Goblins and Goblins-using applications to WebAssembly! In fact, we even have support for our distributed programming protocol, OCapN working in the browser with Goblins-on-Hoot! Goblins now compiles to Webassembly in Hoot from the same codebase used to run Goblins in Guile's own virtual machine. This is a major step forward toward getting this software in the hands of everyday users. We hope it unlocks a new wave of innovation about what secure collaboration can look like.

As part of this release, we are introducing the websocket netlayer which will allow browser-based applications to easily connect with one another!

Also, a number of performance improvements makes this release the fastest Goblins ever!

Let's get into it!

Seeing is believing: Goblins in the browser IN ACTION!

Long-time readers may remember the goblin-chat demo we've shown off several times before:

3 goblin-chat programs; two Racket based apps communicate with one Guile-based app

Above you can see two Guile goblin-chat programs talking with a Racket based goblin-chat program, demonstrating two completely different language runtimes communicating over OCapN via Goblins. The impressive thing about goblin-chat is that it's only 150 lines of Goblins code to implement both the user code and chatroom code for a peer-to-peer chat program which authenticates messages as they come in!

Cool enough, but didn't we say Goblins works in the browser now? Wouldn't it be cool if you could try two goblin-chat programs communicating in your browser over OCapN... right here, on this page?!

Well, behold!

Peer A

Peer B

Try sending messages between Alice and Bob!

If you don't see anything, note that this demo requires a recent browser supporting all the WebAssembly extensions used by Hoot, including Wasm GC and tail call support. Firefox and Chrome ought to just work. Safari is not expected to work properly at this time.

This is the VERY SAME 150 line goblin-chat program shown in the previous gif, but compiled to Hoot and running in the browser! (Source code for the running Webassembly code executing above; only the ^chatroom and spawn-user-controller-pair code are responsible for the chat protocol, the rest of the code is to provide a user interface.)

These messages really are being delivered through OCapN too. We have a simplified abstract netlayer which simulates the network which we're using here. However, all the ordinary OCapN protocol operations are occuring with each message transmitted from one user to the other. This isn't only real Goblins in the browser, this is real OCapN in the browser too!

More about Goblins on Hoot

If you've been paying close attention, you may have noticed that this release of Goblins was directly preceded by the Hoot 0.6.0 release. (It's also no coincidence that the Hoot 0.6.0 release art showed the Goblins mascot and the Hoot mascot talking about going on an adventure and this release's release art shows them flying together in the sky!) Hoot 0.6.0 had a large amount of work put into it which is useful far beyond Goblins, but Hoot 0.6.0 and Goblins 0.15.0 were actively developed together. This has been many months of hard work from our team, and we are proud to see it pay off. Goblins in the browser is possible at last, opening the door for a future where Spritely's technology is in the hands of everyone!

Moreover, the foreign function interface feature of Hoot allows developers to access any part of the enormous javascript ecosystem within a Goblins app. That includes reactive frameworks, data processing, and visualization libraries that we think will benefit user experiences.

WebSocket Netlayer

We are also releasing a new netlayer specifically designed for browsers and everyday use: WebSockets!

The WebSocket NetLayer is the glue between Goblins applications written for Guile and Hoot. It is currently the first NetLayer available for both and will allow communication between them!

Having two different users across two different browsers talk to each other does require an intermediary. Thankfully our prelay netlayer works well together with the websockets netlayer, allowing users across browser pages to talk to each other.

However, our prelay netlayer is called "prelay" for a reason: it's the "pre-relay" netlayer. The actual "relay" netlayer we would like to provide for Goblins' OCapN code should be properly end-to-end encrypted. The specification for how to do this still needs to be written and agreed upon by the our team and others in the OCapN group so it can be used widely across OCapN implementations.

Because the prelay is not end-to-end encrypted, prelay providers can surveil and modify communication on the wire. This is a known concern, and we are going to use this current implementation as a stepping stone to derive the correct and fully end-to-end encrypted relay netlayer we still have planned.


This release of Goblins has a major speedup: 1.2-2x performance improvements for all Goblins code! Even more performance improvements are planned for upcoming releases; this is just the beginning!

Your support is appreciated!

Excited about Goblins on Hoot, or any of our other projects? Consider showing your appreciation with a donation! We recently hit our initial fundraising goal of $80,000 USD and announced a stretch goal. For the stretch goal, we will use Hoot to build a learning environment for Goblins and advance Hoot’s live hacking abilities in the process.

Monthly supporters at the silver, gold, and diamond tiers will have their names featured in the credits of Cirkoban, a small web game built with Hoot, as a display of our gratitude.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far!

Getting the release

This release also includes a number of other bugfixes and minor features. See the NEWS file for more information!

As usual, if you're using Guix, you can upgrade to 0.15.0 by using:

guix pull
guix install guile-goblins

Otherwise, you can find the tarball on our release page.

As a little bonus, if you like the release artwork, you can get a 4k resolution version to use as a wallpaper if you like! The artwork is made in Blender and its Grease Pencil tool; you can also download the .blend file! (Observant readers of our blog may notice that this release art is a sequel to the Hoot 0.6.0 release art... in the previous artwork, the characters discussed going on an adventure together, and here they are!)

If you're making something with Goblins or want to contribute to Goblins itself, be sure to join our community at! Thanks for following along and hope to see you there!

by Christine Lemmer-Webber, Amy Grinn ( at Friday, January 24, 2025

GNU Guix

Guix User and Contributor Survey 2024: The Results (part 2)

The results from the Guix User and Contributor Survey (2024) are in and we're digging into them in a series of posts! Check out the first post for the details of how users initially adopt Guix, the challenges they find while adopting it and how important it is in their environment. In this part, we're going to cover how use of Guix matures, which parts are the most loved and lots of other details.

As a reminder there were 943 full responses to the survey, of this 53% were from users and 32% were from contributors.

Guix usage

The middle section of the Survey explored how users relationship with Guix matured, which parts they used and where they struggled. Question 11 asked, Which parts of Guix have you used on top of another Linux distribution?

As a reminder a third (36%) of participants adopted Guix by using it as a package manager on top of another GNU/Linux distribution. The detailed results were:

Table 10: Hosted Guix usage by capability
CapabilityUseStoppedNever used
Package manager and packages (guix package)48%26%24%
Dotfiles and home environment management (guix home)17%11%70%
Isolated development environments (guix shell)41%18%39%
Package my own software projects28%9%61%
Deployment tool (guix deploy, guix pack)13%7%78%
Guix System (i.e. VM on top of your distro)15%15%68%

Note that all the percentages in this table, and throughout the posts are rounded to make them easier to refer to.

The next question (Q12) asked participants, Which parts of Guix have you used on top of Guix System?

As a reminder, an earlier question (Q5) determined that 46% initially adopted Guix as a GNU/Linux distro in a graphical desktop configuration, and 5% as a GNU/Linux distro in a server configuration. The results:

Table 11: Guix System usage by capability
CapabilityUseStoppedNever used
Package manager and packages (guix package)64%17%17%
Dotfiles and home environment manager (guix home)48%9%41%
Isolated development environments (guix shell)36%10%21%
Package my own software projects40%9%49%
Deployment tool (guix deploy, guix pack)19%8%71%

This gives us an interesting picture of how Guix usage develops:

  • From the first table (Table 10) I was very surprised by the way that Guix users manage their packages. It shows that 24% of users that use Guix on top of another Linux distribution don't use `guix package`. Clearly, many of these users have switched to a declarative package management approach using manifests or Guix Home.
  • Guix Home is popular with users of Guix System. It's a relatively new capability in Guix, and there's lots of opportunity to encourage its use on top of another GNU/Linux distribution. It could be a great on-ramp into using Guix generally.
  • Guix Shell is very popular both when used in a hosted set-up and on Guix System. There are requests in other parts of the survey for missing features from Nix Shell, so perhaps those are some ways to increase its popularity.
  • I was really surprised by how many users are packaging their own software projects, about 40% of Guix System users, and almost a third of hosted users.
  • Guix's suite of deployment tools is the least used part of the capabilities. They may not have been utilised by the majority of users yet, but some people find them very useful. There were comments in the survey that these tools drove usage as both a CI and Docker deployment tool.

Guix System usage

The survey then asked (Q15), How have you run Guix System?

This was a multiple choice question, so in total there were 1508 answers from the 943 participants, consequently we can assume that some users deploy Guix System in multiple configurations:

Table 12: Guix System deployment types
Deployment typeCountPercentage
Graphical desktop in a VM27529%
Graphical desktop on laptop/workstation hardware69173%
Server on server hardware22324%
Server in a VM (e.g. KVM)16918%
Server in a container (e.g. Docker/Singularity)536%
Public Cloud (e.g. AWS)576%

In the Other category there were mentions of using it on different SOC boards (e.g. RockPro64), on WSL2 and on different hosting providers (e.g. Digital Ocean, Hetzner).

Figure 7 shows the break down as a bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix System usage bar chart
Figure 7: Guix System usage

Some thoughts from this question:

  • It's notable that the vast majority of users are using Guix as some form of graphical desktop (whether on their own hardware or in a VM). This could have implications for the priority of both graphical environment packaging and testing.
  • Roughly, a third of users are deploying Guix as a server (445) out of the total (1508). This is a big increase from the initial adoption phase (Q5) where 5% of users were adopting Guix as a server. It seems that users often adopt Guix as a graphical desktop and then as they become more familiar with it they start to use it as a server as well.
  • We can't know how many specific deployments there are as the survey didn't ask how many desktops or servers each user actually deployed. But, the change in the mixture of deployments is interesting. It might be that improving the capabilities, documentation and popularity of the deployment tools (Q15) would also increase the server usage pattern. There are also comments elsewhere in the survey about missing server packages and services.
  • Only a small number of users are using Guix as a containerization system or in the public cloud. These are significant areas for professional development and deployment, so an area of Guix that further development could focus on.


The survey then asked (Q16), Which architectures do you use Guix on?

Again this was multiple choice, there were 1192 answers from 943 completed surveys:

Table 13: Guix architectures usage
x86_64 (modern Intel/AMD hardware)92598%
IA-32 (32-bit i586 / i686 for older hardware)253%
ARM v7 (armhf 32-bit devices, Raspberry Pi 1 - Zero)364%
AArch64 (ARM64, Raspberry Pi Zero 2, 3 and above)17719%
POWER9 (powerpc64le)152%
IA-32 with GNU/Hurd (i586-gnu)141%

As we might expect x86_64 is the most popular, but there are quite a few AArch64 users as well. There are various comments in the survey about challenges when using different architectures (e.g substitute availability, cross-compiling challenges), see the linked comments throughout these posts for more.

Proprietary drivers

Proprietary drivers is an interesting topic in the Guix community. For Q17 the survey asked, Do you use proprietary drivers in your Linux deployments?

The goal was to understand driver usage across all Linux usage, whether when using Guix or another Distribution. As this was a multiple choice question, there were 1275 answers from the 943 participants.

Table 14: Proprietary driver usage
No, I don't use proprietary drivers19120%
Yes, I use Nonguix as part of Guix System62266%
Yes, I use proprietary drivers on other GNU/Linux distributions46249%

Figure 8 shows it as a bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: Guix users proprietary driver usage bar chart
Figure 8: Use of proprietary drivers

  • From this we can conclusively say that the majority of Guix users do use proprietary drivers. Although hardware that respects Freedom is available, hardware requiring proprietary drivers is sadly the norm.

Other applications

The next question was (Q18), Do you use other methods and channels to install applications?

One of the advantages of Guix is that it's a flexible system where users can create their own packages and share them with the community. Additionally, there are other methods for installing and using applications such as Flatpak. However, we already know that during adoption some users struggle to find the applications that they need. This question explores whether that changes as usage matures.

The results were:

Table 15: Application sources
I only use applications from Guix23425%
Packages from my host Linux distro35237%
Nix service on Guix System12413%
Nonguix channel (proprietary apps and games)60764%
Guix Science channel12714%
My own Guix channel44247%
Guix channels provided by other people30332%

Figure 9 shows this visually:

2024 Guix user survey: Guix user's application sources
Figure 9: Methods and channels used to install applications

Some thoughts:

  • Overall, we can conclude that the vast majority of users are using applications using multiple different methods as there were 2634 answers in total!
  • 607 participants, out of the 943, selected that they use the Nonguix channel, so 64% overall. This is a similar level of usage for applications as drivers. At the other end 234 only use applications from Guix, ~25% of users. This is a great demonstration that Guix attracts a broad range of users — some users who solely use Free Software, as well as those that need or want software that's under a wider set of licenses.
  • A large number of users package and use their own Guix channel, 442 which is 47% — this seems inline with the earlier questions about how Guix is used.
  • There were quite a few different options in the Other category including Distrobox, RDE and guixrus, Docker, Conda, Homebrew, AppImage, Pip and Nix.

Overall satisfaction

The survey asked participants (Q19), How satisfied are you with Guix as a Guix user?

This is probably the most important question in the entire survey, since happy users will continue to use and contribute to the project.

Table 16: Guix user satisfaction
Very dissatisfied313%
Very satisfied19220%

The bar chart is Figure 10:

2024 Guix user survey: Guix user satisfaction score bar chart
Figure 10: Guix user satisfaction score

  • Overall, this is a really good result with 655 of the 943 participants clearly satisfied or very satisfied, ~70%. This is a good number that shows many users have a really great experience with Guix.
  • It also echos what we saw with the adoption satisfaction question.
  • The middle portion who are neutral is bigger that I personally would like to see. This is commonly a group that is not really happy with a product, but for various reasons don't want to say so. There's definitely some areas the project can work on to help users to continue enjoying using Guix.
  • At the other end of the scale the very dissatisfied and Dissatisfied are 108, so 11%. We've seen some of the challenges in earlier questions, and the next question explores these further.

Limiters of satisfaction

For Q20 the survey asked, Which areas limit your satisfaction with Guix?

The detailed results:

Table 17: Guix user satisfaction limiters
Difficulties with Guix tools user experience19220%
Difficulties using declarative configuration15717%
Missing or incomplete services (whether Guix Home or Guix System)37440%
Overall Linux complexity (i.e. not specific to Guix)9210%
Hardware drivers not included31233%
Guix runtime performance (e.g. guix pull)44948%
Reference documentation (i.e. the manual)19521%
Shortage of informal guides, examples and videos36939%
Error messages and debugging37239%
Nothing, it's perfect!404%

As a visual graph:

2024 Guix user survey: Guix user satisfaction challenges bar chart
Figure 11: Guix user satisfaction challenges

The first thing to note is that there were 2765 entries from our 943 survey completions, so users have challenges in multiple categories.

  • About 48% of participants have issues with Guix's runtime performance. It's the biggest issue that users face and shows up in other survey data and comments.
  • The second biggest challenge is with missing or incomplete services, where 39% of participants struggle with this.
  • The shortage of informal guides, examples and videos is the next biggest challenge, this also came through in the adoption question (Q7).
  • Tied with it is the difficulty of understanding error messages and debugging. We didn't ask about this in the adoption question (Q7), but there are comments throughout the survey where users struggle with debugging due to poor error messages.
  • The fifth biggest problem is that hardware drivers that users need are not included, with 33% of users hitting this problem.

There were also 213 comments in the Other category, the full list of comments is available. As before I've grouped the comments — at this point we're starting to see consistency in the grouping so to avoid a lot of repetition I've only put in one example from each one:

  • Complexity of maintenance: where the overall experience of using Guix was too time-consuming and complex.
    • "Time/complexity of managing declarative configuration, handling problems that occur due to package updates/conflicts, creating custom packages and keeping them updated"
  • Learning curve: where learning Guix's unique approach was too difficult.
    • "I really love the idea, but it's extremely difficult to use, especially for beginners"
  • Lack of drivers within the distribution: issues where users couldn't use their hardware.
    • "Guix is unusable without nonguix / proprietary drivers"
  • Proprietary software: missing proprietary software that was required.
    • "Limitations in FHS emulation for proprietary programs"
  • Efficiency and resource usage: where overall resource usage made the experience slow or unusable.
    • "cicd and other infrastructure (global mirrors)"
  • Missing packages and services: where Guix didn't have a package or service the user needed.
    • "Some buggy services, which are hard to patch without knowledge and proper documentation"
  • Out of date packages: issues where Guix's packages were not up-to-date.
    • "Many packages are severely out of date, some break often during routine upgrades (build failures), many things missing and have sat on the Guix Wishlist for years"
  • Quality and reliability: general issues of quality and reliability that undermined the users belief that Guix was ready for use.
    • "master is often broken and patches for these issues get ignored so I have to use a temporary fork of the main guix repo with the patches applied"
  • Encrypted boot and disks: issues arising from missing encryption capabilities.
    • "Setting up full disk encryption for multiple disks or unusual arrays of disks and then secure boot issues"
  • Practical guides, how-to's and examples: issues where there were no direct instructions or examples, as compared to reference documentation.
    • "examples, a show of how a task is done in Debian or OpenSUSE and contrast it with how the task is done in guix would be helpful"
  • Free Software as a constraint: limitations and concerns about Free Software and GNU as an organisation constraining practical user freedom.
    • "The hard stance of the GNU project on non-free software makes it hard to find "whats out there""
  • Not enough GNU: limitations and concerns that Guix is not sufficiently supportive of GNU and/or Richard Stallman.
    • "I am disappointed that you veered off the course of freedom and added nonguix. Also that you hate on RMS."
  • Language ecosystem issues: problems packaging or using Guix with ecosystems like Docker, Go and Rust.
    • "Packaging nightmares won't let us have nice things"
  • Unavailable on Mac OSX: inability to use Guix as it's not available for Mac.
    • "No macOS official distribution"
  • Incompatibility with hosting Linux distro: difficulties using Guix on top of another Linux distribution, particularly using graphical programs.
    • "Some DEs don't integrate as well as they do on other distros."
  • Error messages: challenges debugging issues due to difficult to use error messages.
    • "guix is very-very slow and consumes too much memory and CPU for what it's doing. also error messages are the worst i've seen in my 10 years of programming"
  • Poor contributor experience: comments caused by contributions not being reviewed or other poor experiences.
    • "Slow, or sometimes inexistent, feedback for submitted patches and issues"

Not all comments fit into a specific theme, I've pulled out some other interesting ones:

  1. Shepherd as a constraint: some users love that Guix doesn't use Systemd, but there are some comments worrying about compatibility and migration.
    • "I'd like to be able to use systemd. I like that Guix is doing the work so that we break the init system monoculture though. But I'd like systemd to be an alternative. The term service is overloaded which is confusing. I also think that some developer (in-repo) documentation is missing. Specifally regarding packages that need a special boostrapping process such as node or bqn"
    • "lack of features comparing to systemd"
  2. Reproducibility challenges: reproducing Guix set-ups when using channels or other issues.
    • "Guix is pretty perfect, but there are breaking changes between channels, would love for the channel to pin to specific guix commit when building it's packages and have a warning if the commit is outdated by x days"
    • "not reproducible due to ~/.config/guix and channels not pinned easily"
  3. Releases and stable channel: a few users have concerns about a lack of new releases, or wanting to use a more stable release channel.
    • "Some kind of LTS release that I can pin my work to would be great. Maintaining my own channels for work/personal use is good but sometimes guix updates cause things to break so I need to pay attention to keep things working. A more stable release with better probability of substitute hits would be nice."
    • "No new release in over 2 years"
  4. Running compiled binaries: situations where the user wants to run a compiled binary that's expecting a 'standard' Linux.
    • "Running Software not in channel like: Compilers for embedded systems (avr), proprietary software (matlab)"
  5. Architecture issues: there's a few comments about issues using alternative architectures, particularly about substitute availability.
    • "Aarch64 seems like it gets less love and x86. Takes time for broken packages to get fixed on aarch64"

What should Guix improve?

The survey then asked, (Q21) Which areas should Guix's developers improve so you can use Guix more?

This question was done as a ranking question where participants had to prioritise their top 3. The rationale for asking it in this way was to achieve clarity over prioritisation.

It's useful to look at this in two ways, first the table where participants ranked their highest priority:

Table 18: Highest priority ranked improvements
Area — Rank 1CountPercentage
Making the latest versions of packages available (package freshness)14916%
Performance and tuning (faster guix pull)11212%
Make Guix easier to learn (more docs!)10511%
Package reliability (e.g. installs and works)9210%
Hardware support (drivers)9110%
More packages (more is better!)879%
Software developer tooling (guix shell with editors, debuggers, etc)586%
Make Guix easier to use576%
Guix System services374%
Stable releases (e.g. regular tested releases)354%
Community and communications334%
Guix Home services243%
Focused high-quality packages (fewer is better!)152%

This second table shows how each element was ranked across all positions, reordered to show the overall prioritisation:

Table 19: Highest priority ranked improvements
AreaRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Overall score
Performance and tuning (faster guix pull)2114
Make Guix easier to learn (more docs!)3227
Making the latest versions of packages available (package freshness)1438
More packages (more is better!)63413
Package reliability (e.g. installs and works)45615
Hardware support (drivers)56718
Software developer tooling (guix shell with editors, debuggers, etc)77519
Guix System services910827
Make Guix easier to use891128
Guix Home services128929
Community and communications11121033
Stable releases (e.g. regular tested releases10111334
Focused high-quality packages (fewer is better!)13131238

Some thoughts on what this means:

  • We can see that Performance and tuning (faster guix pull) consistently shows up as an area Guix users would like to see improved.
  • The second highest priority, Make Guix easier to learn (more docs!) is also consistent, as we've seen from other comments the main desire is for more instructions and examples.
  • In third place is, Making the latest versions of packages available (package freshness). It's a little less consistent, notice that it's the highest priority concern for users (Table 18), but drops a little amongst later priorities.
  • Next is More packages (more is better!), and we've seen that missing packages is a limit to adopting or using Guix.
  • The fifth highest priority is Package reliability (e.g. installs and works), this seems to be more important in lower ranks. We've seen lots of comments about packages that have issues, require further configuration or don't integrate well (particularly in a hosted set-up). This one is intriguing as one possibility would be to focus on a smaller set of packages, yet Focused high-quality packages (fewer is better!) consistently came last.
  • The sixth is Hardware support (drivers), again it's less important at later ranks. This one is also interesting as in the adoption questions, and in many of the comments about challenges it's consistently mentioned as a significant challenge. It may be reflecting that users who are using Guix must have solved their driver problems, so it's slightly less important if your machine works!

Guix sustainability

The next section of the survey was for Contributors, we'll cover that in the third post in the series. After the contribution section Q32 asked all users, How likely are you to financially support the Guix project?

As a volunteer project, with no corporate sponsors, the rationale for asking this question is that some aspects of the project (e.g. infrastructure and sponsored work) require finance. The results were:

Table 20: Donating to Guix
Unable (e.g. don't have money to do so)28030%
Would not (e.g. have the money to do so, but would not)404%
Moderately likely34136%
Very likely13314%
No answer40.42%

As a graphical bar chart:

2024 Guix user survey: GNU Guix donation intention bar chart
Figure 12: Financially supporting Guix

The results tell us that about 50% of users would be willing and able to financially contribute to Guix. There's also a significant set of users who are unable to do so, and one of the clear benefits of Free Software is that we can all use it without charge!

❤️ Love Guix!

Having asked lots of structured questions and ones about challenges the last question (Q33) was, What do you love about Guix?

There were 620 answers, so 65% of the participants wrote something — that's a lot of love for Guix!

There were lots of positive comments about how friendly and helpful the Guix community is; the joys of using Scheme/Lisp and Guile; the importance of user-focused Free Software; and the benefits of the declarative approach.

All the comments are available to read, and I encourage you to have a scroll through them as they're very uplifting!

A few I pulled out:

  • "I enjoy the commitment, patience (!), and friendliness of so many in the community!"
  • "Scheme! That Guix fits my preference for declarative, functional and minimalist computing! And it’s friendly and helpful community, of course!"
  • "Guix provides reproducibility that I think is invaluable for scientific computing. There are many brilliant community members who spend their time improving Guix and helping other users. Diverse opinions are tolerated on the mailing lists. I like how the project's community and leadership have responded to users who express discontent on the mailing lists -- respectfully and openly, but wary of making radical changes that might jeopardise the project."
  • "Community (people) by far, focus on free software, Scheme, reproducibility, flexibility. Guix is one of the hidden gems of the free software world."
  • "Friendly community, GNU project"
  • "I really appreciate everything you do, and I really hope the process for contributors can be modernized with Codeberg or similar forges which is second nature to most developers."
  • "Reproducibility and providing a way for people for being technologically independent and free."
  • "There's many things to love, but most important (and perhaps unloved to a certain extent) is the ability to create Guix channels for any and every purpose. As an effort to package the whole free software world, the community also feels quite diverse, with people and teams often working on vastly different things that somehow come together under one big umbrella."
  • "Guix pack is amazing and allowed me to run some exotic guix packages on foreign systems, and guix system is really cool in general, tons of packages, the best gnu certified distro in general."
  • "Having all my system configuration in one place allow me to remember what changes I did to my system at a glance. I can't imagine going back to a distribution where all the changes I make to a system would need to be done again if I swapped machine."
  • "Freedom! The four software freedoms, plus freedom from side-effects."

Key insights

In this post we've looked at the questions the survey asked participants about their use of Guix. And as a reminder, there were over 900 participants who completed the survey.

The main conclusions I draw from this part are:

  • There's a high level of satisfaction amongst Guix users: about 70% were very satisfied or satisfied. This is really positive as happy users are more likely to continue to use Guix, and may become contributors!
  • When used on top of another GNU/Linux distribution (hosted) Guix's package management and development environments capabilities are the most utilised parts. When used as a GNU/Linux distribution package management and home environment are the most used parts.
  • The majority of Guix System users are using it in a graphical desktop configuration, as they become familiar with it they start to use it as a server.
  • There's lots of great feedback on areas where users would like to see improvements. One thing to bear in mind is that as a volunteer project there may not be people with the time or interest to work on these areas — but nonetheless, consistent feedback is useful for Guix's developers.
  • Many users would be happy to donate to Guix to support its mission.

If you missed it, the first post in this series covers how users adopt Guix. And, the next post will cover how Contributors interact with the project.

by Steve George at Friday, January 24, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Scheme Requests for Implementation

SRFI 258: Uninterned symbols

SRFI 258 is now in draft status.

An uninterned symbol is not the same as any other symbol, even one with the same name. These symbols are useful in macro programming and in other situations where guaranteed-unique names are needed. A survey of uninterned and uniquely-named symbols in Scheme is also provided.

by Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe at Thursday, January 23, 2025

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Scrolling is the enemy

Apps that can stay still, that can show me one page at a time and then calmly go to the next or previous page, that’s relaxing. Discrete steps and cleary defined modes. That calms me down.

Apps that are all gradiated and fiddly and zoomy and jittery, that freaks me the heck out.

Some of us broken-hearted suckers in the 21th century need to juggle a lot of data. A fast screen can help with that. A fast screen can also hinder that, if it asks us to do the juggling on a rolling table on a moving train on a tilting pinball table.

This is why epub readers are better than browsers even on the most glaring LCD of all time: it show you one page at a time instead of scrolling a few sentences here and there. I don’t get why browsers even in our modern day still can’t do that, while epub readers all do it easily.

That was one of the big web disappointments for me when I first modemed up in 1995: that the “page down” experience was so unsatisfying, with having to reread last page’s last sentence as the next page’s first sentence instead of clearly defined pages.

I don’t wanna scroll scroll scroll, I want to turn between separate pages with no overlapping text; a UI design decision the printed book mastered centuries ago, thankfully or we’d still read our potboilers and smutty romance novels on scroll tubes.

Panning good when zoomed in, but zooming and panning should be a deliberate choice, not the whim of a misplaced palm.

by Idiomdrottning ( at Wednesday, January 22, 2025